Saturday, August 27, 2005

Life Is A Song So Sing-A-Long

At last, we managed to go to Red Box for a proper karaoke session. Hehe Today, me, survivor and Julia went there after work. Actually, we've been planning to this for quite some time but always end up at survivor's house disturbing her parents and neighbours with our 'lovely' voices. The routine to survivor's house would always start with a visit to the mobile night market, buy some foods, go back and sing our hearts out or better lungs out. Luckily, she was kind enough not to impose any karaoke service charges to us. Hehe yalah, who knows RM 1.00 for one song. J but I know survivor's not like that. Kan survivor kan kan kan? *grin*

We had a great time at Red Box. We spend 2 hours and a half singing. From one song to another song. Passing the mic from one person to another and the only time each of us rested was when one person is singing. Rest means either browsing through the list of songs, going to the toilet or munching away. But most of the time, we sang and sang and sang like there's no tomorrow. But seriously, I had fun. And for sure this is not gonna be the last time. After this I think the chances of me being a frequent customer there would be hIGh. And for sure it'll burn a HUGE hole in my pocket =)

ainie expressed herself at 9:47 PM

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Game URL

Guys, here's the correct url for the games.
You have to try the Crimson Room first. Thats actually the first stage. Then u can move on to the next level which is the Viridian Room.

Yesterday i played the first stage again, wanted to test my memory and hey, it was easier the second time around. hehe Up until now, i still feel lazy to go and solve the second stage cuz in order to play that stage, i need to have a high level of patience and i dont think im ready yet. hehe Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. :)

ainie expressed herself at 6:31 PM

Monday, August 22, 2005

Game Gile

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I went back early today after work. I thought of curling up in bed, wrapping myself up in my favourite blanket, reading a book. But nothing like that happened, I spent the whole nite playing this crazy game, online. Trying to escape myself from a room. Cliking here and there. Finding clues and trying to mix and match all the clues. Half way through the game, I started to pull my hair. Sighing and screaming every now and then. (boy, i must look like one crazy girl to u guys huh? :P) But really, its not some stupid game that ppl normally play and when i say stupid game, it means the one, the one...which i dont know what the heck is a stupid game. :) but, I tell you, this game is really nerve wrecking. Ok, ok u guys must be wondering, wat the hell am I talking about.

The game is called 'Crimson Room.' The player needs to escape himself from a room by clicking almost everything in the room. Yes, u heard me rite, everything. Collect all clues and coordinate them to escape. Sounds easy huh? Na-uh! If only I can just lift the chair in the game and throw it at the window to escape, then it would be easier. But come to think of it, it would not be a game if it's that easy.

You have to be creative and have lots of patience. I almost wanted to give up, but then I suddenly remembered what my mom said, “Buat keje jgn separuh jalan, nanti tunang tak jadi." I dont know whether its true or not but she always says this whenever im in the kitchen helping her to cook. But hey, *scratching head* in order for a person to get engaged, she has to have a bf and in this case, I dont even have one, so wats there to worry.? *grin* but still I was holding on to that saying last nite. I didnt give up, I tried and tried. And perseverance paid in the end! I manage to escape myself. On to the next level. Wow! This was even harder. I looked at my watch, 1.00 am. Ok, enough. I decided to continue tomorrow.

So for anyone of you who are curious to play this game, well, be my guest! (actually there another link to it, but I cant rmber. Later ill update)

ainie expressed herself at 8:37 PM

Monday, August 15, 2005

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

I've made a very BIG mistake today. A mistake which i'll never ever repeat again in my life. I wanted to be daring. You know, the kinda feeling you get when people always say, " you gotta be brave and go for it!" and then u'll be very motivated and psyched to take the risk and think, 'the hell with it.' I often ask myself whether im strong enough to eventually rise up to the challenge with a wat-the-heck attitude and just do it. Whether i'm willing to sacrifice my alter ego and go for it. What if in the end, i'll make a fool out of myself? What if i'll get rejected? What if this? What if that? What if? What if? What if? and What if?

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I have always been careful. Too careful i guess. But alas, i was not being careful today. I was just not myself . Maybe because im frustrated. I need to find the answers to all my what-if-questions. I cant keep on thinking and visualising all the possibilities that might happen. So, I decided to put aside my ego and plunged for it and oh boy! i sure got the answer and a very BIG fat slap in the face to go with it. I should have just stayed put in my place and ignore all the feelings but i guess it was too strong for me to resist and deny it and hey, I got what i asked for.

How to be strong when in the end you get what you feared the most? How to stay positive when things dont turn out the way you want it to be? How to keep your head up high, if things are confusing and complicated? How?, how? and how? Sometimes, it just gets you straight in the face. Often, the truth hurts and I cant handle the truth.

ainie expressed herself at 11:24 PM

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Everybody's changing and i dont feel the same....

Skang ni dah nak dekat kol 3 pagi. aku still tak tido lagi. ntah kenape takleh nak tido. sbenarnyer bkn takleh tido tapi malas nak tido. esok tak keje. so ni la masanya utk tido lambat. bukan selalu dpt buat cam ni. tgh layan lagu sedey pakai headphone ni.lagu "Ning:Awan yg Terpilu" mengisi ruangan dlm saluran telinga aku. tetibe rasa sedey.

One particular thing yg buat aku sedey ialah mcm mana Fab 5 dulu yg rapat dah jadi lain skang ni. smua bermule sejak incident dlm bilik conference last month. plan utk membaik pulih keadaan menjadi disaster. aku pon tak paham. mungkin lain org lain cara. ape2 pon, ape yg dah terjadi dah lepas n kite takleh nak buat apa cume, belajar dari kesilapan masing2. aku percaya benda2 mcm ni akan membuatkan kite lebih matang dah berhati2 pada masa akan dtg. tapi yg menyedihkan aku ialah bagaimana sesatu perkara tu boleh mengubah keadaan. impak die la. dulu kite selalu kuar bersama2. breakfast, dinner, during weekends. kol 6 kol 11 mlm..ape2, mmg selalu hang out together. aku mmg rasa close dgn dorang. n aku treasure friendship aku dgn diorang sme. one of the 'bestest' friendship i have ever built. tapi sayang, sme dah berubah skang ni. bukanla dah jadi lawan ke ape..tapi keakraban tu dah tak sama. mcm something is missing.

Dulu mak pernah pesan, "rapat dgn org berpada2, jgn terlalu rapat sgt" dan seperti jangkaan mak, ape yg diharapkan tak berlaku dah pon berlaku. tapi masa teros berputar, yg hidup akan meneruskan kehidupan dan yg mati takkan kembali. So learn from ur mistakes and move on. Cume keadaan takkan sama seperti dulu....everybody's changing and i dont feel the same.

ainie expressed herself at 3:15 AM

About Me

Got stains on my t-shirt
and I'm the biggest flirt.
Right now I'm solo but
that will be changing eventually.
I laugh more than I cry.
You piss me off, good-bye.
Got bruises on my heart
and sometimes I get dark
If you want my auto,
want my autobiography

Quotable Quote

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,
I'd spend six sharpening my axe."
(Abraham Lincoln)


02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007
11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007


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